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Anonymous Bind while using ldap3 Module

⛔️ Error
🔒 Professional Plan

This rule detects instances where the ldap3 module in Python is used to establish an LDAP connection with an anonymous bind. Anonymous binds can lead to security vulnerabilities as they allow access to the LDAP server without authentication, potentially exposing sensitive data and functionalities.


import ldap3

server = ldap3.Server("ldaps://")
ldap = ldap3.Connection(server)


Fix Iconfix

Only make connections to LDAP servers that require an authentication mechanism such as a user/password.

import ldap3

ldap_user = input('Email: ')
ldap_pass = getpass.getpass()
server = ldap3.Server("ldaps://")
ldap = ldap3.Connection(server, ldap_user, ldap_pass, auto_bind=True)

False Positives

In the case of a false positive the rule can be suppressed. Simply add a trailing or preceding comment line with either the rule ID (PY527) or rule category name (missing_authentication).

Fix Iconfix
import ldap3

server = ldap3.Server("ldaps://")
# suppress: PY527
ldap = ldap3.Connection(server)

See also