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Insufficient Token Length

⚠️ Warning

Tokens are often used as security-critical elements, such as for authentication, session management, or as part of cryptographic operations. The strength of a token is significantly influenced by its length and the randomness of its generation. Tokens with insufficient byte lengths lack the necessary entropy to withstand brute-force attacks, leading to a potential compromise of the system's security integrity.

All calls to secrets.token_bytes(), secrets.token_hex(), and secrets.token_urlsafe() MUST specify a byte size of at least 32. This requirement ensures that the generated tokens have a strong level of cryptographic security, reducing the risk of unauthorized access through token prediction or brute-force attacks.


import secrets

token = secrets.token_bytes(16)


Fix Iconfix

Its recommended to increase the token size to at least 32 bytes or leave the nbytes parameter unset or set to None to use a default entropy.

import secrets

token = secrets.token_bytes()

False Positives

In the case of a false positive the rule can be suppressed. Simply add a trailing or preceding comment line with either the rule ID (PY028) or rule category name (insufficient_token_length).

Fix Iconfix
import secrets

# suppress: PY028
token = secrets.token_bytes(16)

See also