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Synchronous Access of FTP without Timeout

⚠️ Warning

The ftplib.FTP and ftplib.FTP_TLS classes are used to establish FTP connections for transferring files over the network. These classes, along with the ftplib.FTP.connect method, do not enforce a timeout by default, which can lead to indefinite blocking if the FTP server becomes unresponsive or experiences a network issue. This can cause resource exhaustion, Denial of Service (DoS), or reduced application responsiveness, especially in production environments.

This rule ensures that a timeout parameter is provided when creating instances of ftplib.FTP, ftplib.FTP_TLS, and when calling ftplib.FTP.connect to prevent the risk of indefinite blocking during FTP operations.

Failing to specify a timeout in these classes may cause the application to block indefinitely while waiting for a response from the mail server. This can lead to Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerabilities or cause the application to become unresponsive.


import ftplib

ftp_server = ftplib.FTP("")


Always provide a timeout parameter when using ftplib.FTP, ftplib.FTP_TLS, or ftplib.FTP.connect. This ensures that if the mail server is unreachable or unresponsive, the connection attempt will fail after a set period, preventing indefinite blocking and resource exhaustion.

Alternatively, the global default timeout can be set via socket.setdefaulttimeout(). This is a good option to enforce a consistent timeout for any network library that uses sockets, including ftplib.

import ftplib

ftp_server = ftplib.FTP("", timeout=5)

False Positives

In the case of a false positive the rule can be suppressed. Simply add a trailing or preceding comment line with either the rule ID (PY045) or rule category name (no_timeout).

Fix Iconfix
import ftplib

# suppress: PY045
ftp_server = ftplib.FTP("")

See also