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Reversible One Way Hash in cryptography Module

⚠️ Warning
🔒 Professional Plan

The Python module cryptography provides a number of functions for hashing data. However, some of the hash algorithms supported by cryptography are insecure and should not be used. These insecure hash algorithms include MD5 and SHA1.

The MD5 hash algorithm is a cryptographic hash function that was designed in the early 1990s. MD5 is no longer considered secure, and passwords hashed with MD5 can be easily cracked by attackers.

The SHA-1 hash algorithm is also a cryptographic hash function that was designed in the early 1990s. SHA-1 is no longer considered secure, and passwords hashed with SHA-1 can be easily cracked by attackers.


import cryptography



The recommendation is to swap the insecure hashing method to one of the more secure alternatives, SHA256 or SHA512.

Fix Iconfix
import cryptography


False Positives

In the case of a false positive the rule can be suppressed. Simply add a trailing or preceding comment line with either the rule ID (PY504) or rule category name (reversible_one_way_hash).

Fix Iconfix
import cryptography

# suppress: PY504

See also